The purpose of this program is to provide minimum safety standards for homes manufactured before the implementation of the HUD Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards. This applies to homes manufactured before June 15, 1976. Arizona law requires that "A person shall not occupy or otherwise use a mobile home which has been brought into this state or move a mobile home from one mobile home park in this state to another mobile home park in this state unless it meets the standards pursuant to this chapter and displays the proper state Rehabilitation Certificate" (§41-2195, C).
The office shall issue a certification of compliance for each unit in compliance with the rehabilitation requirements, and an ADOH inspector shall affix an Rehabilitation Certificate to the exterior wall nearest the point of entrance of the electrical service. The purchase of Rehabilitation Certificate is included within the fee charged for the Mobile Home Rehabilitation Permit. Rehabilitation Certificate will be installed on the mobile home by an ADOH inspector upon successful completion of the rehabilitation requirements.