Arizona Public Housing Authority - Section 8
There are two main affordable rental assistance areas wherein the Arizona Public Housing Authority (APHA) has knowledge, limited oversight, or may offer assistance. HOUSING CHOICE VOUCHER PROGRAM and PROJECT-BASED RENTAL ASSISTANCE.
Community Development and Revitalization
Information about Community Development Block Grants for non-entitlement communities and other funding and Weatherization Assistance Program.
Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs)
It is a specially formed non-profit corporation established pursuant to federal regulations to access CHDO set-aside funds to develop affordable housing made available through the federal HOME Investment Partnership Program.
The Department provides a variety of funding sources to eligible non-profit and for-profit housing developers to assist with the development of affordable rental properties.
Rental Compliance & Monitoring
Compliance is the division responsible for monitoring the long-term compliance of ADOH-funded rental properties assisted with Low-Income Housing Tax Credits and/or State Housing Funds (HOME program or Housing Trust Funds).
This Division works with property owners to review loan deferral requests, process ownership changes, process qualified contract requests, coordinate work-outs and identify methods to minimize the emergence of troubled properties.
Homeless/Special Needs Programs
The Special Needs division was developed to enable the agency to address the housing needs of populations that require a more comprehensive approach to housing stability beyond basic affordable housing opportunities.
ADOH is committed to providing current and potential partners with the technical assistance necessary to access our financial resources and develop programs or projects that meet critical community development and housing needs.