Plan Review
ONLINE PLAN SUBMITTAL NOTICE (Effective February 28, 2022)
CODE CHANGE MEMORANDUM (Effective February 1, 2021)
Rule R4-34-701.I. Plans submitted shall be stamped by an engineer registered by the State of Arizona.
A completed Plan Review Application must be submitted with all documents/plans submitted for review and approval. See Plan Review Application Instructions under FORMS.
Expedited services are not available. Submittals are reviewed in the order in which they are received.
A completed Plan Review Application must be submitted with all documents/plans submitted for review and approval. See Plan Review Application Instructions.
NOTE: Checklists identifying information to be included for plan submittals are located under each tab.
ADOH Licensee, Other:
Factory-Built Building Installation– Refer to the INSTALLATION tab for detailed information regarding installation plan submittals.
Accessory Structure– Refer to the ACCESSORY STRUCTURES tab for detailed information regarding accessory structures plan submittals.
Flood Plain– Refer to the FLOOD PLAIN tab for detailed information regarding flood plan submittals.
Supplement Plan- documents/details/calculations noting modifications to a plan previously issued an approval. Include the original approval number issued that is being supplemented.
Manufacturer of Factory-Built Buildings (commercial and residential):
A manufacturer is a person or entity that engages in manufacturing, assembling or reconstructing a manufactured home and/or a factory-built building (“modular”). Refer to the MANUFACTUER tab for detailed information regarding plan submittal requirements by ADOH-licensed manufacturers of factory-built buildings.
Supplement Plan- documents/details/calculations noting modifications to a plan previously issued an approval. Include the original approval number issued that is being supplemented.
For questions concerning plan review, email the Plan Review team at [email protected]
Plans and calculations submitted by an appropriately licensed person or entity for structures attached as accessory to a manufactured home, mobile home, or factory built building. Plan approval is required prior to installation of the accessory structures that are included as part of the installation.
Accessory structures include the installation, assembly, connection or construction of any one-story habitable room, storage room, patio, porch, garage, carport, awning, skirting, retaining wall, solar system or wood decking attached to a new or used manufactured home, mobile home, or factory-built building (residential or commercial).
Foundations systems for manufactured homes and mobile homes not identified by a manufacturer’s installation manual are to be submitted for review and approval as an accessory structures submittal.
Refer to Accessory Structure Plan Checklist for information to be included in the plan submittal.
Plans and calculations submitted for the installation of a manufactured home, mobile home, or factory built building in a designated flood prone area.
A site specific foundation system intended for use in a flood designated area (FEMA or local flood district designation) is required for review and approval by our office. Be advised, the proposed foundation system requires review and approval by the local flood district having authority prior to submittal to ADOH for approval.
ADOH has available a set of MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR MANUFACTURED HOUSING FOUNDATIONS IN FLOOD PLAINS. The standards are not available for use with commercial factory-built buildings.
Applicants electing to use the MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR MANUFACTURED HOUSING FOUNDATIONS IN FLOOD PLAINS (where applicable, as determined by the local flood control district first), must select the installation option pages they intend to use. The plans are required to be approved by the local flood district having authority prior to submittal to this Office.
Upon issuance of a flood plain plan approval from the Office, the applicant may proceed with the manufactured or mobile home installation permit application.
Refer to Flood Plain Installation Plan Checklist for information to be included in the plan submittal.
Plans and calculations submitted for the installation of a factory-built building (residential or commercial use).
The installation plan submittal provides information pertinent to the installation of a factory-built building. The submittal includes a site plan, utility information, and a foundation system for the proposed installation.
If attached accessory structures are being installed with the factory-built building, plan documents should be included with the installation plan submittal (see Accessory Structures for information to be included)
Upon issuance of an installation plan approval from the Office, the applicant may proceed with the installation permit application.
Refer to Installation Plan Checklist for information to be included in the plan submittal.
A valid manufacturer’s license with the Department is required prior to submitting plan documents for review and approval. Refer to the Licensing section of the Manufactured Housing website for licensing information.
A factory-built building is a residential or commercial building that is either wholly or in substantial part manufactured using closed construction at an off-site location and transported for installation or completion, or both, on-site. Is constructed in compliance with adopted codes, standards and procedures by the Department, installed temporarily or permanently, and does not include a manufactured home, recreational vehicle, panelized commercial building using open construction, panelized residential building using open or closed construction or domestic or light commercial storage building.
Factory Built Building submittal– plans and calculations submitted by a manufacturer licensed with The Arizona Department of Housing for the construction of a factory built building (does not include manufactured homes built to the HUD standards).
Refer to Factory Built Building Plan Checklist regarding information to be included in the plan submittal.
Factory Built Building Reconstruction submittal- plans and calculations submitted by a manufacturer licensed by The Arizona Department of Housing for the reconstruction of a manufactured home or factory built building.
Reconstruction Process:
Reconstruction applies to existing factory-built buildings not originally manufactured to Arizona state requirements, being brought into Arizona for the first time; or the reconstruction of previously approved factory-built buildings already in the state. The reconstruction of a factory built building shall be subject to the following:
Existing buildings shall be reconstructed only by properly licensed and certified manufacturers who are licensed by the Manufactured Housing and Building Division (MHBD).
Existing buildings shall be subject to the same requirements for plan approval and inspection as new construction. A unique serial number shall be assigned to each reconstructed building. Plans shall clearly define and identify the scope of new construction. All plans shall include a statement verifying the existing structure and systems are sound and in compliance with the requirements of the MHBD in effect at time of reconstruction.
New construction to existing buildings shall comply with the codes currently adopted. When necessary to achieve proper structural continuity when integrating new construction to existing, the existing construction shall be brought into compliance with the codes currently adopted. When a conflict arises between the new construction and existing construction, the more stringent requirement shall apply. Methods and details for integrating new construction to existing construction must be approved by the MHBD.
Existing systems (electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.) shall be sound and compliant with codes governing at time of original manufacturing. New systems to existing units shall comply with the codes currently adopted. When a conflict arises between the new system(s) and existing system(s), the more stringent requirement shall apply. All systems shall be in good working order and tested for proper operation. The Office of Manufactured Housing may require specific life safety aspects to existing systems for compliance with currently adopted codes. Methods and details for integrating new systems to existing systems must be approved by the MHBD.
The manufacturer performing the reconstruction shall be responsible for arranging the inspection(s) of said reconstruction by the MHBD.
The manufacturer shall be responsible for ordering and affixing the reconstruction compliance certificate(s) to each module of each building reconstructed. The certificate(s) shall be subject to monthly reporting to the MHBD by the manufacturer.
Note: Factory-built buildings not originally manufactured to the requirements of the state of Arizona that are brought into the state shall be treated as reconstructed, even if no reconstruction has occurred and shall be subject to the above noted process as applicable.
Refer to Reconstruction Checklist (to the right of the page) regarding information to be included in the plan submittal.
Compliance Control Manual submittal– documents submitted by a manufacturer licensed by The Arizona Department of Housing that details the factory operations and measures to insure quality control.
New licensees are required to provide the compliance control manual for review and approval prior to submitting building plan documents. The approved manual is utilized in the plant certification process.
Refer to Compliance Manual Submittal for information to be included in the submittal.