State of Arizona 5-Year HUD Consolidated Plan Survey
The Arizona Department of Housing is in the process of completing the 5-year HUD Consolidated Plan for the period from July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2024. The Consolidated Plan describes community development priorities and goals for the State CDBG, HOME, ESG, HOPWA, and HTF programs.
As part of the process, we are conducting a brief (5-minute) survey to help identify community priorities.
The survey is available in both English and Spanish:
State of Arizona 5-Year HUD Consolidated Plan Survey
Encuesta del Plan Consolidado de HUD para el Departamento de Vivienda de Arizona
Links to the surveys are also available on the ADOH website. Please promote the survey through your webpage, postings, notices, meetings, newsletters etc. ADOH is interested in gathering as much response as possible to best meet the needs of Arizona residents. The survey will be open until August 23, 2019.