Notice of Changes/Updates to the Qualified Contract List
Thursday, February 29, 2024
ADOH is providing notice that the following Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) owner(s) have applied for a Qualified Contract and are being added to the Qualified Contract List:
Sungate Villa/Prescott Valley, L.P. is the owner of a 64-unit LIHTC project in Prescott Valley, AZ;
Valley View II/Prescott Valley, L.P. is the owner of a 72-unit LIHTC project in Prescott Valley, AZ;
In addition, notice is being given that the following LIHTC owner has completed the one (1) year marketing period and has been removed from the Qualified Contract List:
Antelope Valley/Chino Valley, L.P.
Download Information Bulletin 20-24 from the Publications page for more information.