FY2024 Rapid Re-Housing Program NOFA
Friday, December 8, 2023
The Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) Special Needs Division is pleased to announce this Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for entities statewide who meet the eligibility requirements outlined in this NOFA (see link below) to provide rapid re-housing (RRH) and supportive services for persons experiencing homelessness in Maricopa, Pima and the thirteen (13) Balance of State counties in Arizona. The available resources under this NOFA include $7,000,000 in State Housing Trust Funds (SHTF).
The FY24 SHTF RRH NOFA can be viewed using the following link: https://housing.az.gov/documents-links/open-funding-opportunities
Download Information Bulletin 66-23 from the Publications page for more information.