Annual Report, Compliance Fees & General Reminders
ADOH would like to take this time to remind you of some key deadlines that are soon approaching.
Annual Reports – Due March 15th
ADOH no longer requires that the Annual Report be submitted as a hard copy. You can sign and submit the annual report electronically.
Compliance Fees – Due March 15th
Compliance fees should be submitted via our online payment portal. Invoices are no longer emailed to owners/agents. They can be obtained on the ADOH website. New projects and projects with recent management changes, your invoices are in the process of being uploaded to the ADOH website. They will be added on or before January 31, 2024.
Tenant Data – Due March 15th
One of the requirements of the Annual Report is to update tenant data in our HDS NextGen database. New projects that were placed in service and will be claiming credits in 2022 must submit an Annual Report by March 15, 2023.
General Reminder
Please be reminded that owners must ensure their communities are meeting all applicable inspection protocols for ADOH funded projects. Owners/Agents should be accepting, processing and completing all resident submitted work orders. These should be done in a timely and safe manner. Please note that there are no waivers or State imposed shelter in place mandates that allow owners to forego maintenance requirements. Failure to complete these will result in non-compliance status with ADOH.
NSPIRE Inspection Protocol
Starting Jan. 1, 2024 the ADOH Compliance Division will conduct physical inspections to ensure that projects are suitable for occupancy per the NSPIRE inspection protocol. ADOH strongly encourages Owners/Agents to prepare now and attend Training for the NSPIRE implementation that will start Jan. 1, 2024, and continue until the full implementation (for all programs) deadline of Oct. 1, 2024. During this “learning curve” period, projects must be “as compliant as possible”. ADOH reserves the right to be more restrictive than the program requires.
Download Information Bulletin 01-24 from the Publications page for more information.