The Special Needs division was developed to enable the agency to address the housing needs of populations that require a more comprehensive approach to housing stability beyond basic, affordable housing opportunities. These populations have been identified as those living with HIV/AIDS, serious mental illness, chronic substance abuse, persons and families who are homeless, and victims of domestic violence.
Balance of State Continuum of Care
The Arizona Department of Housing serves as the Collaborative Applicant and Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) lead agency for the Continuum of Care for the 13 non-metro counties in the state. A Continuum of Care is a community planning process to organize and deliver housing and services to meet the specific needs of people experiencing homelessness as they move to stable housing and maximum self-sufficiency. The Continuum of Care process was established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to enable localities to apply to the federal government for McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act competitive grant programs. This process brings together local governments, community businesses, faith-based organizations, non-profits, and current and/or formerly homeless persons to develop local solutions to end homelessness. On an annual basis, the agency applies for competitive funding to HUD for projects and programs that are identified as priority needs through the Continuum process. ADOH then acts as the administering agency for the grants that are passed through to the participating sub-recipients. Over the years, ADOH has secured millions of dollars in funding for transitional and permanent housing programs.
Housing Opportunities for Persons with Aids (HOPWA)
The State currently receives a small yearly grant of Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) funding to provide housing assistance programs for individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Funding is passed through to local governments or nonprofit organizations to provide direct assistance to eligible beneficiaries.
Planning Template Meeting for LCEH
Moving On Strategies Coordinated Entry Addendum Final (2021-08-16)
Memorandum of Understanding Case Conferencing Confidentiality Final (2021-08-16)
LCEH Leads Contact List (updated 2/2024)
HMIS Update Form (Rev 10/2021)
HMIS Security & Confidentiality (Rev 03/2024)
HMIS Privacy Notice (Rev 02/2020)
HMIS New Agency Access Request
HMIS New Agency Access Request
HMIS License Fees (2024)
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2023 AZBOSCOC PIT Training for LCEH Volunteers
2024 Renewal Project Scoring approved by GAB
Attachment 0A: HMIS Intake Form
HOPWA Fact Sheet
2024 HUD CoC Builds NOFO Letter of Interest RFI
Attachment 0C: Transitional Homeless Certification Form
Attachment 10: Inspection Checklist
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