ADOH 2017 Employee Engagement Survey
Over the last few years, the Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) has conducted a statewide employee engagement survey of all employees of the State of Arizona. The 2017 survey gauged the Arizona Department of Housing’s overall employee engagement ratio to be 6.9:1.
We are happy to report the Department’s results demonstrates the Department’s employee engagement rate to be head and shoulders above the national average for all organizations, as well as compared to the overall State employee engagement rate.
In order to understand our agency’s results it is important to understand what is meant by Employee Engagement.
The Gallup organization specializes in research in the area of Engagement Ratios. Gallup’s engagement ratio is a macro-level indicator of an organization’s health that allows management to track the proportion of engaged to actively disengaged employees. The average national working population ratio of engaged to actively disengaged employees is not quite two to one and is expressed as 1.83:1.
Actively disengaged employees erode an organization’s bottom line, while breaking the spirits of colleagues in the process. In stark contrast to the average, world-class organizations have an engagement ratio of more than 9:1. As organizations move toward this benchmark, they greatly reduce the negative effect of actively disengaged employees while unleashing the organization’s potential.
Engaged employees
are defined as those who are engaged and inspired at work. An average “disengaged employee” simply is not engaged in their work. While those defined as “actively disengaged” are so disengaged, they are known for actively working to spread their discontent amongst their co-workers. The Department is proud to employ such a highly engaged workforce and credits the Director and management staff for creating an environment where a high engagement rate is attainable.