ADOH Announces Reginald Givens as the 2016 Employee of the Year!

Reginald Givens Image

Reginald Givens is being honored as Employee of the Year for his outstanding service to the Department during 2016, through which he modeled all of the Department’s Guiding Principles. Notably some of his achievements included:

  • Successfully launching a new down payment assistance program for 17 communities throughout Arizona where the real estate market has lagged behind the rest of the state. Since the spring launch, over $30 million in assistance has been provided through the program, aiding more than 2,200 homebuyers.
  • Oversaw the delivery of the agency's Hardest Hit Fund programs, committing over $6M in foreclosure assistance during calendar year 2016.
  • Led his division to be one of the first to implement the Governor’s Arizona Management System techniques, modeling the ideal practices of incorporating daily measurements on the division’s Huddle Boards and conducting daily Huddle meetings.
  • Served as the Department’s Master of Ceremonies for this year’s Affordable Housing Forum in Tucson this summer. While not in his job description, he graciously accepted the challenge and delivered a commendable performance.