These are persons with physical impairments that substantially limit one or more major life activities, have a record of such impairment, or are regarded as having such impairment.

The Uniform Building Code requires that two percent of a project's units be designed to be accessible to people with physical disabilities.

If the project’s funding includes Federal funds, the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act) require that a minimum of five percent of the units be designed to be accessible by person(s) with disabilities.

The Federal Fair Housing Act of 1991 requires that 100 percent of the ground floor units in multifamily housing projects constructed after 1991 be adaptable for the physically disabled. In addition, the entry to each unit and all common areas in the project must be accessible to person(s) with physical disabilities.

Please consult an architect for the full meaning of adaptable and accessible as used in these statutes. Households with person(s) with disabilities  should consult with the Arizona Bridge to Independent Living at its offices in Phoenix for information and referral services, including housing referrals:

Ability 360
5025 East Washington Street, Suite 200
Phoenix, AZ 85034 
(602) 256-2245 | (800) 280-2245 (V/TDD) | (602) 254-6407 (Fax)


Ability 360