The Continuum of Care Corner
On December 20th the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced their awards for the 2016 Continuum of Care Homeless Programs. The Arizona Balance of State Continuum of Care which covers all counties except Maricopa and Pima, will receive $3,999,989 of the $1.95 billion awarded to nearly 7,600 homeless assistance programs across the nation. These funds will be used to continue our 28 programs of housing the most fragile and chronically homeless citizens through permanent supported housing, transitional housing and assisting people back into housing and a stable life through rapid rehousing. Homelessness was reduced 6.7 percent in one year’s time. These funds will assist in keeping that trend going.
The AZBOSCOC is shifting away from quarterly regional meetings and will instead facilitate an all-day quarterly meeting in Phoenix attended by representatives from local community coalitions working to end homelessness in their communities and counties. Currently, eight community coalitions have elected a representative and the first meeting is scheduled for January 19, 2017.
Local community coalitions will be responsible for planning and implementing strategies to end homelessness in alignment with HUD COC guidance and requirements. This information will be shared and used to achieve the goals of the BOSCOC Strategic Plan which is based on achieving the goals of the Federal Opening Doors strategic plan – ENDING HOMELESSNESS for ALL and restructuring systems so that the experience is of short duration and ended quickly for those who may experience homelessness.
ADOH is the Collaborative Applicant, the Homeless Management Information System Lead and the Grantee for the Balance of State Continuum of Care. ADOH provides technical assistance and will be working with the local coalitions on their tactical plans and formalized protocols for coordinated entry and case conferencing along with establishing Housing First principals.
We’re excited for this work to expand and look forward to continuing and expanding our partnerships throughout Arizona working to end homelessness.
Let’s make Everyone Count! The annual Point in Time (PIT) street and shelter count of those who are experiencing homelessness is right around the corner. We will be conducting the PIT from January 25 through the January 28th, and need many volunteers to cover the 13 rural counties in the state.
This is an important effort to learn more about the individuals and families experiencing homelessness in our regions. It consists of conducting surveys of those who are living on streets, in alleys, in campgrounds, in their car and other places not meant for human habitation.
This effort is organized nationally in every Continuum of Care. Local data is compiled, analyzed and submitted to the federal government. The report for the balance of state is broken down by county and posted on the ADOH website. Preliminary results will be in the next newsletter.
For more information, contact Karia Basta, Special Needs Housing Administrator (602) 771-1085 or [email protected].